Work from home efficiently

Published on Thursday, 2 April 2020

Social isolation to fight the coronavirus has forced companies to implement new digital strategies so that workers can do work from home. This dynamic has led to modify some routines and adapt to this new reality.

At Enel Argentina, we have compiled suggestions made by experts to be able to carry out a successful home office, especially for collaborators who regularly work in offices.

1. Create a space at home, where you are comfortable and quiet

It's about choosing somewhere where you can focus and complete work tasks as usual. It does not matter if you live in a house or apartment, the important thing is that you find that space that allows you to work comfortably.

2. I followed a daily routine, with periods of work and rest
The ideal is to keep the alarm at the usual time, and do the activities you always did before leaving the office: showering, grooming and eating breakfast. Lunchtime should be sacred for these purposes, as well as a couple of breaks in the middle of the morning and afternoon, to stretch your legs or have a snack.

3. Organize the tasks and update the delivery schedule
Now more than ever it is vital to organize the earrings and keep a calendar, which allows you to organize yourself and in the same way the deliverables of your work. Each new task assigned to you is very important to include on the calendar. Don't take anything for granted, write everything down so you don't forget. It is a great help.

4. Set goals for the day and the week, according to your tasks and projects
The list of objectives is fantastic for those who usually organize themselves and also for those who do not habitually do so. It allows to have an overview of the goals that we have set ourselves and also of those that we are achieving. It is a useful tool when making reports for your boss or colleagues.

5. Maintain communication with your work colleagues

Nothing is more counterproductive than being isolated at work. If already in the office it is a "de modé" practice, much more when we are at a distance. Now more than ever we must maintain communication through the tools available to the company to connect. We suggest some very useful:


  • MS Teams (teamwork y videoconferencnga)
  • Slack (teamwork, groups and file sharing)
  • Zoom (video conference)


6. Make backup copies
You think it will never happen, but it happens. Loss of information is a problem that happens to many and that we must keep at bay. Backing up takes a few minutes, but it is essential to ensure that we will not lose our work.

7. Avoid interruptions as much as you can
If in the office one normally has to deal with interruptions, at home it becomes essential, especially if we have children or interact with other people. Everyone must agree that work periods must be respected. Also, if the cell phone distracts you a lot, keep it in silent mode.

8. Do another activity that allows you to clear yourself
When work hours are over, shut down the computer and pay attention to another activity that allows you to relax. Exercising, cooking, reading or watching something on TV are some of the activities you can do at home. If you have boys, they will surely be waiting for you to spend time with them.

Enel Argentina digitized

Right now, regarding the mandatory quarantine, almost 2,000 workers from our subsidiary Edesur are working remotely from their homes.

This was possible, thanks to the rapid action of the Global Digital Solutions (Technology and Telecommunications) team, which changed its priorities and activated all the tools and equipment necessary for this purpose. By the third day of the quarantine, 1,200 colleagues were at home.

For several months, Enel Argentina and all its subsidiaries, including Edesur, has been working to provide all its collaborators with tools accessible from the cloud, with which it is possible to store files, have access to the intranet and connect through VPN in the case of specialized areas. At the same time, being connected to 34 countries in the world that make up the company, without any interruption.

And this is possible, without detriment to computer security, cybersecurity or network security, which is a pillar for the company. In this way we guarantee the health and safety of workers, and we all contribute to avoiding contagion.