Virtual basic electricity course for clients of our distributor started

Published on Monday, 18 May 2020

We started the Basic Electricity Course for customers in alliance with the National Technological University (UTN) in our distributor EDESUR, this year under virtual modality in compliance with the sanitary measures in force to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The objective is to promote training in basic electricity in our community in those interested in developing a trade or improving their theoretical knowledge in the field.

The training is carried out with professionals from the UTN Facultad Regional Buenos Aires and is made up of 24 hours of instruction for six weeks. Through interactive videoconference classes are taught on electricity and circuit operation. The alliance is intended to promote knowledge about electricity to more people to minimize risks of accidents at home.

"At ENEL we are committed to a vision of comprehensive Sustainability that extends to our entire value chain and stakeholders. We landed this vision with this project, contributing to the security of people and supply, strengthening the skills of those who applied", said Carlos Ferrara, head of Sustainability.

"This edition of the course is a virtual version developed maintaining the same technical and quality level of the face-to-face courses with the UTN, additionally guaranteeing the security required these days," he added.

This call was opened last year through Edesur's social networks. I kept in touch with our community for future possibilities.