Energy efficiency project in SPB

Published on Friday, 26 August 2022

Our distributor Edesur carried out the provision, electrical adaptation, and installation of a new LED lighting park in eight Penitentiary Units in the Province of Buenos Aires.

The program includes the replacement of more than a thousand extramural LED lights in Penitentiary Units number 23, 24, 32, 31, 42, and 54 in the town of Florencio Varela; 40 from Lomas de Zamora; and 56 from Virrey del Pino.

The new project takes place within the framework of the agreement that Edesur has with the government of the province of Buenos Aires and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the province of Buenos Aires.

“Thanks to this strategic association, with these works we contribute to a plan that the Province of Buenos Aires is carrying out in terms of Energy Efficiency and Public Safety ”

– said Damián Elfi, director of Logistics Support of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Province of Buenos Aires.

Benefits of the new light park

60% energy savings, which generates a return on investment.

100% savings in maintenance since the luminaires have a 3-year guarantee.

Improvement in the lighting of the Penitentiary Units.

Greater security because the program generates an increase in perimeter security, improves the work environment of the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service (SPB), and collaborates with a better quality of life for inmates.

-In addition, it has a positive impact on the safety of the neighborhood community.

“Through this energy efficiency plan between Edesur and the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Province of Buenos Aires, a substantial improvement in lighting was achieved. , which translates directly into greater security for people deprived of their liberty as well as for the staff of the Buenos Aires Penitentiary Service”

– pointed out Luciano Imperiale, head of Business with the Government of Edesur.

Looking to the future, Edesur is working on equipping more than 7,000 LED lights; a photovoltaic park of 52kWp of solar generation in the departmental mayor's office of the Florencio Varela complex; and a training and integration plan on electricity -basic and advanced- aimed at SPB personnel and persons deprived of their liberty with certification from the National Technological University (UTN), in collaboration with the María de las Cárceles civil association.