In Enel we work to change the world and we want new generations to inherit a more sustainable, green and friendly planet. That’s why we develop projects such as We Are Energy.
This initiative, aimed at the children of Enel workers worldwide, in 2016 got to its12th Edition with a new and exciting topic: Visions from the Future. In that event, children were asked to design their future and tell us about their vision on the world of tomorrow. What will be different? Will there be new technologies and ways of living?
The contest led us to a shared mission: to build a city of the future, which took life thanks to the work of all the children. Each participant became a neighbour of the “We Are Energy City”: a sustainable, efficient, inclusive, safe, intelligent, energetic, responsible and open city.
In the 2016 edition, the winners in Argentina were Carmela Zaffora and Fiorella Yazmín Restuccia. As a result, the finalists of each country travelled to Italy to share a unique collaboration and sustainable project in a two-week camp.