Enel starts a new era in Argentina

Published on Thursday, 10 November 2016



·      Enel Generación Costanera, Enel Generación El Chocón and Enel Trading Argentina are the new names for Central Costanera, Hidroeléctrica El Chocón and CEMSA respectively, according to the statements disclosed in a public session.

·      They were also introduced to the Enel renewable energy local subsidiary, Enel Green Power Argentina.


Enel Group in Argentina introduced its affiliates Enel Generación Costanera, Enel Generación El Chocón and Enel Trading Argentina (replacing Central Costanera, Hidroeléctrica El Chocón and CEMSA respectively), as well as Enel Green Power Argentina, during an event held today in Buenos Aires. Several political and industry leaders, as well as executives of several companies were present at the event and, in representation of Enel Group, its Latin America Director, Lucas D´Agnese, and Country Manager in Argentina, Maurizio Bezzeccheri.



“In this new era for the country, where the development of the energy sector is a priority, we are reorganising our presence in the generation sector. At the same time, we are launching Enel Green Power Argentina to reaffirm our commitment to the environment and our investments in clean technologies. We are reinforcing our position as a company engaged with sustainability and we are accelerating the innovation required to guarantee a more efficient use of resources, while offering more energy for Argentine people.”

– Maurizio Bezzeccheri

Enel Group, through its local holding Enel Argentina, has four subsidiaries:

-        Enel Generación Costanera (former Central Costanera), the largest thermal energy company in the country, located in the eastern area of the City of Buenos Aires, by the Rio de la Plata.

-        Enel Generación El Chocón (former Hidroeléctrica El Chocón- HECSA), a power plant located in El Chocón and Arroyito next to Río Limay, in the province of Neuquén. That company supplies about 5% of the generation of energy for the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI).

-        Enel Trading Argentina (former CEMSA), the commercial company that sells and purchases electricity in the wholesale market in Argentina.

-       Enel Green Power Argentina, renewable energy local subsidiary of Enel.

Moreover, Enel Argentina is the main shareholder of the supplier Edesur, with beneficial interest in Central Dock Sud thermal generation company. Besides, it has interconnection lines with Brazil.


CTM and TESA, and shares in YACYLEC, an energy transportation company from Yacyretá).

The parent company, Enel, is a multinational and integrated leader participating in energy and gas markets worldwide. Enel operates in more than 30 countries in 4 continents, producing energy through a net installed capacity of around 84 GW, and distributing gas and electricity through a red of about 1.9 million kilometers. With over 61 million commercial and residential customers worldwide, Enel has the largest customer database compared to European competitors. Enel is the largest integrated service company in Europe in terms of market capitalization and it is positioned among the leading energy companies in this continent in terms of installed capacity and reported EBITDA.

November, 10 2016

Enel starts a new era in Argentina

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